QCHP Registration and Licensing


The Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners (QCHP) is the regulatory body that oversees the licensing and registration of all healthcare professionals in the state of Qatar. Established in 2013, the QCHP ensures patient safety and high standards of care by setting stringent requirements for doctors to practice medicine in Qatar.

Obtaining a medical license in Qatar is a multi-step process that evaluates a physician’s education, training, examination performance, credentials, and proficiency in the Arabic and English languages. The licensing requirements are comprehensive and aim to guarantee that doctors are qualified, skilled, and knowledgeable to provide effective healthcare services in their specialty area.

This guide will provide an in-depth look at the key licensing requirements doctors must meet to be eligible for medical licensure through the QCHP in Qatar.

Overview of QCHP Licensing Process

To obtain an initial license to practice in Qatar, physicians must go through the following general process:

  • Submit an online application through the QCHP Health Professionals Licensing Management System
  • Undergo credential verification and background checks
  • Provide all required documentation (educational qualifications, residency certificates, exam results, license verification from other jurisdictions etc.)
  • Pass qualifying exams (USMLE/QCHP) and demonstrate language proficiency
  • Complete an interview with the QCHP Licensure Committee
  • Receive final approval and pay licensing fees

The initial license is valid for one year, after which doctors must renew their license annually by submitting a renewal application, supporting documents, and paying renewal fees. Doctors are also required to notify the QCHP of any change in specialty and re-register their license accordingly.

Failure to meet renewal requirements will result in expiration of the medical license. Doctors must then re-apply for licensure as if seeking an initial license.

Let us look at the key licensing requirements for doctors in more detail:

Medical Education and Postgraduate Training

The QCHP requires doctors to complete an accredited medical degree program leading to an MD, MBBS or equivalent degree. The medical school must be listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Applicants must also complete accredited residency training in their chosen specialty area through a recognized teaching hospital. The duration of residency training varies by specialty but is typically a minimum of 3 years for core specialties.

All medical qualifications and post-graduate training certificates must be submitted to the QCHP during the license application process. The credentials are meticulously verified through the medical school and residency program. Any missing information or discrepancies can delay or prevent license approval.

Licensing Examinations

Passing licensing exams is a key requirement to demonstrate a physician’s clinical knowledge and skills. Doctors have to pass qualifying exams based on where they completed their medical education:

Doctors Trained in the United States:

  • Must pass all three steps of the US Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) administered by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)

Doctors Trained Outside the US:

  • Must pass equivalent licensing exams such as the PLAB test for the UK or the AMC exam for Australia and New Zealand
  • The QCHP may ask doctors trained in some countries to take the USMLE if their home licensing exam is not approved

In addition, ALL doctors must pass the Qualifying Examination for Practicing Medicine in Qatar administered by the QCHP. This MCQ style exam is offered in English and Arabic and focuses on medical laws, ethics, and standards unique to Qatar.

Official transcripts showing exam dates and passing scores must be submitted to the QCHP as part of the application. Failure to pass these exams make a candidate ineligible for medical licensure.

Language Proficiency

As Qatar has a diverse population, doctors must demonstrate proficiency in either Arabic or English to communicate effectively with patients.

For Arabic, applicants must submit transcripts showing completion of secondary school education in Arabic medium or pass an Arabic proficiency test.

For English, applicants from non-native English speaking countries must submit valid TOEFL or IELTS scores meeting QCHP requirements. The minimum scores are:

  • TOEFL: 500 points (paper-based) or 61 points (Internet-based)
  • IELTS: Band score of not less than 5.0

Qatari national doctors can be exempted from the English requirements. But passing the licensing exams in English evaluates their proficiency.

License Registration by Specialty

The QCHP requires doctors to register for a license and practice only in their designated medical specialty. The specialty must match the residency training completed by the physician.

During the initial application, doctors need to select their specialty registration from the list below:

  • Adult Cardiology
  • Allergy and Immunology
  • Anesthesiology
  • Child Neurology
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Endocrinology
  • Family Medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • General Surgery
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neurological Surgery
  • Neurology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Otolaryngology
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Urology

If doctors later intend to change their specialty registration, they must inform the QCHP in writing and provide the required residency training documentation in that specialty.

Good Standing and Disciplinary Actions

The QCHP conducts verification of a physician’s background to ensure they are in good standing. Doctors must declare if they have ever been subject to any disciplinary inquiry, restrictions or sanctions by any medical regulatory authority in Qatar or any other jurisdiction.

Providing false information or intentionally hiding details of any disciplinary action can result in denial of license application or other penalties.

Doctors currently under investigation or restrictions will not be granted a license until cleared of any charges. Their application may be deferred by the QCHP pending resolution of the disciplinary action.

Initial License and Renewal Fees

To complete the licensing process, physicians must pay the applicable fees to the QCHP:

  • Initial License Fee: QAR 3,000
  • Annual License Renewal Fee: QAR 1,500

Additional fees may apply for credential verification, language testing, license registration change etc.

The initial license is valid for 1 year from date of issuance. It must be renewed annually by submitting a renewal application and paying the prescribed renewal fees. Failing to renew the license before the expiry date can result in penalties and delays.

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Requirements

As part of license renewal, the QCHP mandates practitioners to complete a minimum number of CME hours annually:

  • Physicians: Minimum of 15 CME hours per year
  • Specialists: Minimum of 25 CME hours per year

At least half the CME hours must be related to the doctor’s registered specialty. CME activities improve clinical skills, medical knowledge and ensure high standards of patient care.

Doctors are responsible for maintaining records of CME activities to submit during license renewal.


The QCHP licensing requirements for physicians in Qatar encompass education, training, examinations, specialty registration, fees and other criteria. By fulfilling these requirements, doctors demonstrate their qualifications, competence and commitment to ethical medical practice.

A QCHP license authorizes doctors to provide healthcare services in Qatar under defined conditions. Renewing the license periodically ensures continued quality of the medical workforce.

The licensing regulations uphold patient safety and trust in the medical profession. They hold doctors accountable to strict standards of care and ethics. Medical licensure protects public health by enforcing compliance to the law through monitoring mechanisms and disciplinary action.

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